CoVa Be Well E Newsletter Information

COVa Be Well E- Newsletter Image

Expand your reach and authority and expertise with a highly targeted audience.

Coastal Virginia Magazine has established a newsletter focused on health and wellness. This newsletter will go out monthly, on Thursdays at the beginning of each month starting October 6, 2022.. Each newsletter will be sent to a minimum of 50,000 recipients per area. All featured content participants will be supplied follow up metrics showing opens and click throughs.

Demographics and lifestyle interest for this curated audience include:
• Active Lifestyle
• Health and Fitness
• Sporty Living
• Household incomes over $150,000

Specs & Prices:
Featured Content: $375. 50-75 Words & 1 Photo (800×550) and link. Featured Content purchases will include a share on social media. (Facebook: @coastalvamag)
Banner Ads: $175. 300 pixels (w) x 250 pixels (h) and link

Download the CoVa Be Well Newsletter Information: CoVa BE Well E-Newsletter Information

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